16 June 2007

a day in the life of a recent college grad

So what am I actually doing here, besides taking goofy pictures of myself? Well... every day is different, but here's a look at a somewhat typical one:
6:00-ish : Wake up, go running on the Prairie Path, shower, breakfast, QT, etc
8:30-ish : Bike 20 min to Wheaton, start work at the media lab by going through footage of the Festival of Pacific Arts
12:00 : Lunch with MR crew--we're currently watching a documentary of Metallica. Fun stuff.
1:00 : Back to my FoPA editing on the computer
5:00 : Eat dinner (or whatever's left-over from lunch. I have to work on the whole pack-your-meals thing) outside on the lawn in the sun. Realize that the world has gone on while I've been in the cold basement of the BGC with a computer screen all day.
6:00 : Work sound for a conference event. Yup, I'm the girl (or "light-man" as some have called me...) in the back who everyone curses if something goes wrong and everyone ignores if all goes well. Watch Uganda music videos on YouTube while my CDs are burning. :)
9:30 : Bike back home, scrounge around for dinner, watch the news or read, then bed by 10:30.


13 June 2007

Gen. 2:18

"Then the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone..." Or woman either, for that matter. And now I know why: otherwise we go CRAAAZY!

I'm living by myself now, until my professor gets back. I spent most of today in front of a computer, getting lots of work done and loving what I'm doing, but then I come home and ... and ... and this is what:

Yeah. God was right. I need people. He's pretty smart like that.


06 June 2007


There are too many pictures to put on this blog, so click here for more road-trip snaps. :-) Also see that link for graduation pics.